Thursday, April 1, 2010

Monday morning & I am late
My car broke down, damn my fate
With office schedule on my mind
Better I walk than help to find

Lost in thoughts, I rushed down the street Bumped into a man but our eyes could not meet

He fell but couldn’t get to the road side
Only then did I realize
That the man was blind

I paused for a moment
Thinking that I'll show him the way
But,on second thought, I decided to walk away

My Heart shouted-'Hey, Wait'
But Mind overruled -‘No time. U r already late'

I wish I had a magic wand.
Oh, God. Pls. give me your Helping hand

I heard God reply
Son, I want to offer you My hand
But, it seems that you are not worth its try

All these years, I walked by your side
Every time you fell, I carried you with pride
But, today when that blind man lay on the ground
Your helping hand was nowhere to be found

When in pain, only then do you pray
But still I show you the way
Your Mind tends to limit your sight
Follow your Heart & you will always do Right

It’s not only Me who can do Wonders
Give your helping hand, to those who Surrender
It’s not only Me who can change Tears into Hope
Your sign of kindness can also help others cope

My child,
You have the right to be wrong
Learning from your mistake
Actually makes you strong

So next time, when U wish for that Magic Wand
Just make sure that you deserve
My Helping Hand

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