Friday, August 13, 2010

CREATIVITY- a Word that has something special about it.
Everytime you experience Creativity- you feel a gush of Joy inside.

But, what exactly is CREATIVITY? What do you call CREATIVE & What do you NOT call Creative?

Being Creative
simply means - 'To Create Something'.

If I create a Painting, a Song or a Sketch , I am Creative. Only when I am into Creative Arts, I can be Creative. All these years, so I believed till I re-discovered the correct meaning.

Creativity, in its Truest sense, is NOT defined by the DOING part. It is the BEING part.

With every pure, beautiful Thought that you Create in your Mind - You are being Creative.

Your Pure Thought is the seed of Creativity. This is the source from where your Creativity flows into action. First, you Create a beautiful Thought. Then, what you DO next, is just an expression of that Thought.

So, be it your painting. Or, be it your pure thought of Love & Compassion. You are being Creative.

Next time when someone tells you- 'You are Creative. I wish I could be, too'.
Just tell'em- You already are. We all are. Born naturally Creative.

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