Sunday, June 13, 2010

In life, we come across many challenging situations. We face it head-on & give it our toughest fight.
Simple answer - That's what a HERO does & we want to be one.

For tireless number of years, we keep fighting life's situations - sometimes, they are in form of incident & other times, they are real people.

But, there comes a moment when you pause & think, what are you fighting for? You begin to question your own motives. 'When I started this fight, what did I want to achieve? '

Answering this simple question opens the door. It did for me.

I realize that I got so engrossed in fighting the situation that I misinterpreted my own vision.
I was trying to CHANGE the situation, not FIGHT it.
I started to wrongly believe that this is what is meant by FIGHTING. I STRUGGLED with the situation. I gave it my full strength but to MOULD it to another favourable situation.

Of course, it doesn't work that way! Not in God's rulebook.

I have to SAIL THROUGH the situation, NOT CHANGE the situation.
If I sail through it, the next situation that is waiting for me would be a changed one, of course.

God teaches us in an amazing way, doesn't HE?

Never ever get attached to any situation. You just give it your best fight & just LET GO.
At the end of your fight - Even if you decide to LET GO, remember - it is the BEST thing to do. B'coz, it sets You Free!

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