Saturday, January 7, 2012

Are you one of those who flip through the newspaper & head straight to the Astrology section?

Well, count me also in! :-)

How happy I am when the forecast says all that I want to hear. And, in contrast that restless feeling when the forecast spells trouble.

But, can you call this see-saw of feelings, from the peak high to the deepest low-Stability?

No, I don't think so. This is dependency.

It's time to break-free. It's time to challenge our own belief system & discover the Truth for ourselves.

Yes, it is true that a Forecast points out to events/ situations/ people/ objects –that is coming your way. But, what is also true is-

a) A Forecast, in true sense, indicates a Possibility/ an Option. Not a fact...Not until You choose it to become so.

b) A Forecast always talks about what’s coming your way. But, it never says - how you are going to RESPOND, to these events. It simply cannot. For, You alone CHOOSE your response.

Real-life situations faced – whether harsh or smooth, remember - You always have a choice to respond. You always get to pick & choose your Act.

And, it doesn’t just stop at this.

As you Act, you declare who you are. Every Act is an Act of Self-Definition.

How you act is nothing but a reflection of who you are, who you choose to Be. The best part- You get to CHOOSE your act-always.

So next time, when you read your forecast, remember your Power of Choice, smile & say – BRING IT ON!


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