Monday, August 2, 2010

CHANGE- a word that has many flavors to it.
For some, it is Music to the ears; For others, it brings in feeling of hurt .

To a man, who is in deep pain - CHANGE brings in a ray of Hope. It builds a strong Faith within. This man smiles as he believes- "Nothing is constant in his journey of Life. Not even his suffering. Things will Change. They always Do!"

There is another person, who perceives Change as Pain. He sees this world as a big mess & complains about Life - "When will this World Change? / When will people Change?/ For god's sake, will U ever change?/ How could you do this to me? U have really Changed...& so on"

Situation is challenging for both. But, they responded Differently- to the CHANGE in their life.
Yesterday, I was rich & happy. Today, I lost all my wealth & I am poor.
Yesterday, people smiled at me & paid respect. Today, they are ignorant & rude.
You think, this is an Obstacle? No, it is NOT.

It is just a CHANGE. And, CHANGE is the only thing that is CONSTANT in this universe.

So, don't get bogged down with the CHANGE that is happening in your Life. Just embrace it & move on. Be it a pleasant situation or not, things will always CHANGE. They have To.

Just like a reel movie, real Life is best enjoyed in Motion. So, Embrace the Winds of Change. It is the only key to unlock the next scene of your Life.


Subir Basu said...

Hi Sis,

Very Well Written, KEEP IT UP !!!



Hariharan said...

This is so nice ... Sometimes things you write are simple but somewhat forgotten ... When ones reads it he is reminded of those things and infact it gives strength to either accept the change ... or wait for the change - based on the situation and then move on in life !!

Keep the positive messages coming .. :)

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